

Thursday, June 6, 2019

May 2019: Everything that can go wrong will go wrong

is creating accessible art & media
The facts of life:

  • Patreon soft launch
  • The Adventures of FibroShark
  • coloring pages for fun and prophet
  • Live Painting with Rachel
  • the intersection @art&disability
Honestly, my roll-out approximation schedule took falling behind into account. That's with the Patreon launched in the middle of April with very little fanfare: I expected everything to go wahoonie-shaped.


Patreon launch! Support Queer Media for Pride Month!
The last time I tried to have some kind of fundraising campaign it was a short term attempt to raise about $1000 so I could afford to get a new dog and make sure he had insurance and everything he needed. Patreon is different. It's more like a newsletter. Some of the content is public (see the link digest at the end of this post), but Patrons can unlock content and the longer you're a patron the more you can access. 

I don't presently have a whole lot of tiers, and I'm still getting into the groove of everything and putting the puzzle of my career back together after it was in a box under another box, which was all underneath the fallen, moldy debris from Hurricane Chronic Illness; so I understand if you just want to follow the Patreon and take advantage of the free stuff until you're comfortable putting your money where my mouth is.

The Adventures of FibroShark episode i: The Fourth Wall
this is the first one. FibroShark is modeling his performance in this comic after Deadpool. For lulz.
Everything good starts out kinda shitty. I'm still formulating a process for this comic. It's drawn on paper with real ink (I'm even going to offer original comics as a tier option on the Patreon once I have enough of these together that I can easily fulfill my promises), and I scan it and then do some minor changes and add the dialogue bubbles. I've developed enough of a style drawing and painting FibroShark for the last 4 years that I'm at least happy with that part of it. I even like the little bits of process remaining in the final comic because it reflects my staunch belief that perfection is unnecessary.

Look, I want you to see my art and believe that you can make art too.

Coloring Pages and Drawing Lessons: coming to an internet near you!
One of the free features on the Patreon is coloring pages! (But if you want the ones with boobies and swear words you have to become a patron.) And I want to see your colored pages! After you print and color one in, take a picture and post it on the Instagrams with the tag #setzerstudioarts, or even tag me!

I've also come up with an idea for a monthly internet program that combines my talent for drawing with my passion for intersectionality! @Art&Disability will invite you to draw with me a la Mark Kissler's "Imagination Station" on PBS -- but while we're drawing I'll talk about issues and current events with the focus being the many ways art helps marginalized people find our silenced voices and make an impact. Essentially, I'm bad at writing and reciting lines, so I decided to do something I'm good at: talk about what I'm drawing.

The first episode will be out later this month, so watch this space (or this space).

Just a bit more about that intersection...
So, the concept of intersectionality was devised to describe the intersection of racial and gender issues, specifically as it affects black women. It has since been stretched to cover the intersection of all racial and gender and ability and sexuality intersections and sometimes the original idea gets lost in that. I want to focus on those affected "first and worst", specifically disabled queer and trans people of color. Those are the voices I harmonize best with and so I want you to hear them too.

Some of the issues I talk about aren't ones that affect me directly and it will be necessary and proper to have guests from time to time. I even hope to form little artist alliances with other Patreon creators to build each other because I genuinely believe the only way to get anything done is to work together.

Live Painting with Rachel in June
I've been doing a weird kind of fb broadcast the last month or so where I talk to myself (or my audience) while working on my current watercolor masterpiece. There have been some technical difficulties (including the internet going out in the middle of the fricken paintcast!), but I'm finding accessible solutions that will keep the painting in focus rather than having it be all blurry the whole time.

The current painting is from the Water Is Life series and currently titled "Night Witches". It's a reflection of the wildfires happening all over the world (but specifically in California, Oregon, and Washington State in the good ole science-denying, climate-defacing US of A) as a result of dry, hot air rubbing against dead, dry bits of trees. I will definitely be casting on the 16th and probably casting on the 9th (altho that's film day for the drawing show, so I might be spent). And at this point, every Sunday in July will have a paint cast.

This is gonna get better as it goes, so if it seems boring to you now, that's ok. I don't actually know what I'm doing with it yet.

Free Content Digest and Some Other Important Links

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