

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

News: FibroShark, Pride; & the death of Chris Squire

Yes it's a mess, but it's MINE.
Here's the latest headlines...

  • FibroShark Hungry illustration officially 50% complete!
  • I'm not entirely sure I did anything else last week... 
  • Well, I did, but it's really more "procraftinating" than any actual work
  • New meds actually contributing to overall productivity
  • A few words & links to more words on the death of Chris Squire of Yes
As always, follow me on Instagram to keep up with what I'm arting; Setzer Studio Arts & FibroShark on Facebook.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

News for late June...

making paper is like therapy for me at this point
Here's what's going on this week with your favorite Setzer-who-can't-play-guitar:

  • First draft of FibroShark Hungry text completed; artwork is moving closer & closer to 50% completed 
  • Bamboo & junkmail paper
  • I have meds for that now...
  • Considering bailing on Etsy

Blah blah blah Facebook, Instagram, Facebook...


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Updates & news & whatnot

"math" & sexy sexy leg hairs
One of these days I'm going to have something exciting to tell you, but this week it's just the usual slow-&-steady-wins-the-race bits. So, let's get to it...

  • FibroShark officially 20% complete according to "math"
  • artist's pain apparently under control
  • my latest hair coloring experiment is super-fucking-cool
  • it turns out dogs are terrible office assistants

As always, you can find my work on Instagram & Facebook, & you can keep an eye on FibroShark on Facebook as well.


Friday, June 5, 2015

News, early June

This is what my thoughts look like
What's new for June?

  • Fun with watercolor in the FibroShark book
  • Go see Elise Wagner's encaustic masterpieces at Frederick Holmes & Co in Pioneer Square; & Amelia Marsh's sculpture at Trabant Coffee & Chai downtown
  • Art dates & studio visits with potential collaboration in the mix
  • Seattle Arts Coalition: call for art by disabled artists 

I'm still stalkable on Instagram & Facebook. You can also follow the progress of FibroShark Hungry on Facebook.
